I started with first season in January... I guess, not so sure, but now I ended watching the 2nd season two days ago... I have to say something, I started because I liked the song when I try to watch the very first chapter... also, there was 6 handsome guys (?)... and there is a girl, with weird eyes, I have to say, but I kind of like her or at least I don't dislike her... And I was thinking maybe it won't be fine... you know, all the guys attracted by her and all, but in the mos unexpected way... The first season was really nice to me.

The boys are like stereotypes xD but you know, being all in one group is funny. The first season is more like the way the union is created. It was really weird, but Nanami found a cat and the he dreamed with a boy. I thought it was something not as weird as it ended. Ok, I don't remember the 1st season a lot, but the chapters were focused on every character, so we can know about them

A problem and Nanami being a part of their lives. It's between funny and weird that all fall in love with her or something like that, and it was some point you are expecting her to decide (also, it was prohibited, I guess). They were at Saotome's School (for scenic arts) and they are trying to be formed as idols, and Nanami wants to be a composer. However she doesn't have preparation, but she's good so at the end she can learn and be at the level. Then Starish is formed with this 6 boys, letting them to make a concert debut.
Un problema y Nanami siendo parte de sus vidas. Entre lo divertido y lo extraño todos se enamoran de ella o algo así. Y en algún punto esperas que se dcida por alguno (aunque creo que eso estaba prohibido). Ellos estaban en la escuela Saotome de Artes escénicas, y ellos trataban de convertirse en idols y la chica en compositora. Pero ella no tenía ningún tipo de preparación, pero es buena, así que termina aprendiendo y teniendo el nivel para ello. Entonces Starish es formado con estos 5 chicos, dejandolos que hagan su concierto debut.
On second season, we found they are entering as professionals and are in some Master Course with their company. Here, they are assigned to some other boys having more experience. It ended in them being just watching by them, and also, the guy in the dreams of Nanami es there. The explanation?He was cursed, but the music of Nanami ended that and was saved (?). Now, he's there trying to be with her but with no intention of being an idol at the start, that changed after he's around and watching and learning... but he's really a prince... and he will succeed his father... Also, here their boss say they aren't idols yet and tell them if they want to consolidate that dream, they have to win the Uta Pri (Uta Prince, I guess), a really rare award for new artists. The work of all 6 has something to do in their nomination, so they have to work to make that possible. At the end is a competition between Starish and a group called Heaven.
En la segunda temporada, nos encontramos conque están entrando como profesionales y están en una especie de Curso Maestro con su compañía. Allí les han asignado a sus superiores para el aprendizaje, aunque terminan solo siendo observados por ellos, y además, el chico de los sueños de Nanami está ahí también. ¿La explicación? Lo habían maldecido, pero la música de Nanami lo salvo (?). Ahora está ahí tratando de estar con ella pero sin ninguna intención de convertirse en idol en un inicio, eso cambia después de que se la pasa por ahí y va a prendiendo... pero él en realidad es un verdader príncipe... y va a tomar el lugar de su padre.. Además, su jefe les ha dicho que todavía no son idols y les dice que si quieren consolidareso, tienen que ganar un premio al que llaman Uta Pri (uta prince, creo), es un raro premio que se les otorga a nuevos artistas. El trabajo individual de los 6 serátomado en cuenta para que uedan ser nominados, así que tienen trabajo y hacen lo que pueden para hacerlo posible. Al final la competición resulta entre Starish y un grupo llamado Heaven.
Well... amm... when I watched the ending on first chapter (2nd season and it's really the opening after that) ... amm... the last part of that was like 'O_o wtf? Sailor Moon or what?' ... err... but that idea is in last chapter and it was too weird for me e_e' that's my only complaint... The boy's are attached to Nanami (in love, more exactly) but they don't really try to go and move like being the one. That make it fine for me. Not really chasing her (of course they try to catch attention sometimes... and yes, of course they know how 6.6) . Nice, all centered on music or compose problems at some point with Nanami, the thing about the curse was weird too... It's entertaining and chapter 4 was epic XD I laughed a lot because Tokiya...
Bueno... amm.. cuando vi el ending en el primer episodio (en la 2a temporada y que en realidad después es el opening) ... amm... la última parte ahí fue como 'O_o qué demonios? Sailor Moon o qué?' ... err... pero la idea en el ultimo episodio está de ese modo y fue bastante extraño ara mo e_e' es mi única queja... Los chicos están apegados a Nanami (enamorados, más exactamente) pero no intentan realmente llevarlo más lejos y ser él único. Eso me pareció bien. No la 'cazan' realmente (claro que intentan captar la atención a veces y si que saben como de repente XD). Me gustó y los problemas en algún punto con Nanami son acerca de música y composición. Lo de la maldición estuvo también muy raro... Está entretenido pero el capítulo 4 es épico XD Me reí mucho por culpa de Tokiya...
Give it a try!
woow se ve bastante interesante!!! no sabia que esa chica era de esta serie xD
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