Well, the plot? Haha, amm... Let's see, all started with a boy called Nai with a woman and she said something like he was going to eat him (?) (he was a prisioner there, also) but then something explodes and with the bracelet Nai has on his wrist, she thinks 'Circus' has found her. The guy that entered using the explosives is Gareki and he was searching for something to steal... The woman run away but when she's back, she's a kind of monster. Circus is supposed to be the most powerful defense organization. A monster like that woman are called Varuga and part of their job is to eradicate them. After some chapters, it seems there is an organization called Kafka, Circus is trying to stop them because they're creating Varugas. Well, before I write something about that, form the beggining Nai is searching for someone called Karoku (he was the owner of the bracelet he has, and before, they said it was a Circus ID, but after, they said it's different from what they use. But they haven't say much about it).
El epidosido 4... Estoy un poco como perdida aquí, pero creo que es el 4, podemos ver un poco del pasado de Gareki, y después, asuntos de la trama y eso (si, bien informativo esto xD, bueno, pero Karoku and Kafka te dejan saber un poco más y hay una conexión con esto) ... Terminé los 13 episodios y quiero decir que quiero ver que sigue.. lo último que sucede lo hace un tanto interesante para mí... y en este punto me gustan los personajes, algunos son bastante interesantes (?).
The episode 4? I'm lost now... but I think is 4, we'll see a little of Gareki's past and after that, the thing is about the plot and that kind of stuff (really informative me xD ok, no but Karoku and about Kafka, they let you see a little and its connected somehow)... I finished 13 episodes now and I have to say I want to see what is coming next ... The last events make it interesting for me... and I like the characters at this point, some are really interesting (?) .
Además, quiero ver si Gareki puede lograr lo que se ha propuesto al final... no sé si esto será todo o no, iba a checar el manga, solo por si acaso... estoy buscando ahora XD
Además, quiero ver si Gareki puede lograr lo que se ha propuesto al final... no sé si esto será todo o no, iba a checar el manga, solo por si acaso... estoy buscando ahora XD
And, I want to see if Gareki can accomplish what he was aiming for at the end ... however, I don't know if this will be all or not o,o so I was going to check the manga, just in case e.e well.. I'm searching right now...
Bueno, bueno, igual no dije mucho, la historia de 2 organizaciones, una de ellas creando monstruos, pero de estos, hay algunos que son creados por una especie de droga (usan algo como las células de Varuga para crearlas -se me olvidó la explicación, lo siento, pero vienen de ellos-) y eso transforma a esos usuarios en algún punto. No estoy segura de que es lo que intentan, hay gente importante con Kafka también, gente poderosa. Circus también es bastante raro, y responden a esa gente que no estoy segura de quienes son, pero supongo que son políticos o altos mandos del gobierno, eso porque ya saben, Circus es un grupo de defensa creado por ellos, según entiendo. En esta temporada, iba más d eNai tratando de encontrar a Karoku, era la idea principal, pero bien, luego está ahora que existe esa creatura que parece tener casi todo de él y a saber cuál es el propósito, pero bueno, Gareki va a ir a la escuela con el objetivo de regresar a Circus, porque quiere estar ahí (trabajar ahí...) y creo que eso le va por varias razones...
Ok, let's see, I didn't say much, the story about 2 organizations and one of them is creating the monsters, but from them, there are some that are being created using some kind of drug (they use the Varuga's cells or something -sorry, I forgot the explanation, but it becomes from them - ) that transform the users at some point. Not sure about what they're trying, some important people are with Kafka also, powerful people. Circus is kind of weird too, and they respond to those people I'm not sure who they are, but I guess politicians or the high grades on the government because, you know, Circus is a defense group created by them, as I understand. Also, this season, was about Nai trying to fin Karoku, at least was the main idea, but now, there is that creature that maybe has almost all of him and who knows what was the purpose, but then, Gareki is going to the school and he aims to return to Circus, he wants to be there (work there...), and I guess it suits him.
No fue pesado de ver, tiene sus buenos puntos, pero creo que con el capítulo 3 estuve bien con todo y quiero ver el resto. Ok, esto es un poco diferente porque con 2 episodios no estaba segura si quería seguir viendo. Pero en el episodio 3 cambié de opinión... es gracioso, pero la razón es la siguiente (la imagen):
No fue pesado de ver, tiene sus buenos puntos, pero creo que con el capítulo 3 estuve bien con todo y quiero ver el resto. Ok, esto es un poco diferente porque con 2 episodios no estaba segura si quería seguir viendo. Pero en el episodio 3 cambié de opinión... es gracioso, pero la razón es la siguiente (la imagen):
It wasn't heavy to watch, has good points, at first wasn't that sure, but I guess at chapter 3 I was fine with all and I really wanted to see the rest. Ok, this is a little different, because with 2 episodes I wasn't sure if I wanted to see more, but I ended in episode 3 and I changed my mind... It's funny, because de reason it's this:
¿Por qué? Porque saber que Nai no era realmente humano fue un alivio... y mi mente aceptó eso. Antes pensé que el era muy babas e irritante, pero después de esto como que cambié mi punto de vista... también, me gusta mucho Gareki, como se ve, y si, sé que es el típido chico serio que no es frío (??)... Y es gracioso cuando reconoce a Nai como un animalito imaginando cosas... y después de eso empecé a pensar que Nai era lindo ._. ... tal vez algo esté mal con mi cabeza cambiando de idea por algo tan simple XD
Why? 'Cos knowing Nai it's not human was a relief... and my mind accepted that. Before, I was thinking he was dull and so irritating, but after that chapter I kind of change the point of view... also, I really like Gareki, how he looks, and yes, I know he's the typical serious but no cold guy (??)... and it's funny when he recognized Nai was a Niji imagining in that form xD ... and I started to think Nai was cute after that ._. so, something maybe is wrong with my mind (?) ... changing my view just because something that simple XD

Ok, ok, I was checking the manga, it will be fine if there is a second season, I want to see it XD There are a lot things that can make a good combination here... Nai and some of the other characters are really cute, Gareki looks normal but attractive (?) Also I have to expect a lot more from what I see, and I don't know almost nothing about Karoku, and now I think that will be one of the main ideas... has funny moments, a little drama... reaaaally weird things... and i like those little cute sheeps a lot XD (lambs, goats or whatever they are) and the rabbits serving on the unit 1 and 2... they are cute, right? So adorable XD
También debo decir que hubo momentos en que no pude evitar pensar que todo era tan colorido y brillante y eso era muy raro... pensaba si seguirviendo o no.. Y como dije, al inicio no estaba bien con Nai, pero terminé pensando que esta serie es una agradable...
I have to say... there are some moments I couldn't avoid thinking it was too colorful and shiny and that was weird... I was wondering if be there watching or not... At the start also I really wasn't fine with Nai... but I ended thinking this series is a nice one...
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