~ Year: 1990 / author: CLAMP / 7 volumes/ Finished ~
I was just playing around (?) and then I was seeing the books and mangas ... so I noticed that since I bought them... I never read this manga (I read it before online, but I didn't have the luck to find the vol. 7 on the net on that time -complete, at least-) ... and I totally forgot.
The story is about a young boy called Subaru Sumeragi, it doesn't matter how he looks, he es an onmyōji . He is part of one of the most powerful families with this 'magician' powers. He lives in Tokyo with his twin sister Hokuto (She is always with something with the clothes. Actually he wears wha she made, but he never was so concern about it). They also have a friend, a guy called Seishiro Sakurazuka, a kind veterinarian who says he's in love with Subaru. All normal here (actually there's a lot of funny scenes about that, they really like it to mess with Subaru).
Well, he's an onmyouji and his family have cases to solve, that's the important thing, at least in the most of the chapters. Well, Hokuto is always saying about Seishiro to be a Sakurazukamori (this is another family, but the use the power they have to kill, soy basically is the opposite of Sumeragi clan. And there is that dream about a little Subaru meeting someone under a Sakura tree, but he actually can't remember whatever this man say to him. And he's always wearing gloves. His granmother (the 12th head of the family -Subaru is the thirteenth-) gave them to him and the order was never be without them... a little weird, you know? ... but well, Subaru is a good child and he did it like that.
As you can guess that person in the dream was Seishiro under the tree and in that time, Subaru watched him killing a girl, because of his words, Seishiro set a bet with him instead of killing him. And actually the las 3 volumes are the ones 'finishing' this plot about the bet. Ok, let me tell you... on volume five, the first chapter really makes me want to cry... I read it again a few days ago.... and damn... I still want to cry xD but maybe it's just me (?).
If you want to read it:
Oh, one thing more! The story continues in X-1999 ... but X is unfinished, still, you can read it if you want to know what happened after e_e' (about this too, you will have enougj even with the series unfinished) ... all this... is a little traumatic (?) ... Talking about that.. .no, there's no anime series, but 2 OVAS ... and a Live Action (but I couldn't find it to watch it... so, I don't really know about it)...
~ Año: 1990 / autor: CLAMP / 7 vol./ Finalizado ~
Tokyo Babylon... hace poco noté, que a pesar de haber comprado los tomos hace algún tiempo, nunca leí el último completo (porque en el tiempo que yo lo leía, los capítulos del tomo 7 estaban sueltos por ahí y realmente no llegué a ver todos juntos) ... Primero... la verdad es que en serio el capítulo 1 del tomo 5 me dan ganas de llorar.

En algún par de ocasiones entre las bromas recurrentes, Hokuto bromea diciendo que Seishiro podría ser un Sakurazukamori, nunca pasa de un comentario y así, pero esa familia son como el contrario a la de ellos, y utilizan sus poderes para matar. Para esto, Subaru siempre usa guantes por órdenes de su abuela, que le ha dicho que nunca se los quite, esto fue cuando era un niño. De esa época, Subaru tiene un sueño acerca de encontrarse con alguien debajo de un árbol de cerezos floreciendo. El no lo recuerda, ni puede escuchar lo que el otro le dice.
Bueno, ese hombre era Seishiro y él lo presenció matando a una niña, por lo cual Seishiro debió matarlo, pero en su lugar hizo una apuesta con él. Y bueno... esto se resuelve en los últimos 3 tomos, creo...
Si lo quieren leer: Tokyo Babylon Manga
Por cierto.. si quieren ver qué pasa más adelante, la historia continua en X-1999 ... pero este manga no fue terminado... aún así, si es sobre ellos, creo que suficiente tendrán... es un poco traumático (?) *en serio... xD* ... Otra cosa, no hay serue de anime, pero tiene 2 OVAS y un Live Action que no he visto así que no sé que decirles sobre esa película.
no la he visto ni leido, solo la conozco por nombre, aun no me llama la atencion del todo como para animarme a verla y leerla
ResponderEliminarHokutooooooooooooooooooooooo T_T...Hokutooooooooooooooooooooo D: