(Spanish part it's on the bottom...)
It's time for me to talk about anime XD yay!! .... wait... not 'yay!'... this isn't good....ACE is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nande?!!! -___- ok... it's a little late for this... talking about it now when it's some chapter ago in the manga... and we have passed that part in the anyme, too ¬¬ ... but...
ACE!!!!! T^T
come on! he was cool, don't you think?
well... if someone is reading this and doesn't know what the hell I'm talking about... well, it's about One Piece... It's been a while form the las time I was watching this, but recently I started again...
ah, yeah! ... and what the hell did Mihawk to Zoro... his eye, I mean XD ... well, I'm not really surprised... they're wild people XD and both of them doesn't know limits =P
mm... what else? ... just that... the jump of 2 years was some kind of weird for me XD but it's fine....
they have change.... don't you think so? ... Zoro looks more cool than before... also Nami looks more... er.... how do you say that? well, whatever... I'm waiting to see what's going next...
It's weird... One Piece doesn't have what you can call a good drawing, but for some reason you can't avoid it when you start watching it... well, that's my case... the guy who created it... I admire him... creating so many characters and really different from the others... but well, almost all of them look weird... but the fact is he's really amazing...
Changing the anime.... I'm watching Bakuman (I mentioned before, I know...) ... I want to read the manga, but for some reason I haven't...
it's interesting... to know how the mangaka's world works... ^^'
the titles that I forgot ... Tegami Bachi and Togainu no Chi... also, there was another one... my... ¬¬ I can't remember... ah, yeah XD I was watching Aoi Bungaku series... but I didn't finish with that.... also, the same with Kobato, Beck (two chapters left XD but I started with another one and I forgot to see that)and a lot of OVAs ... ¬¬ really... a lot I want to watch....
shalalala... talking about another thing, I couldn't help it and I bought another book... it's one by Neil Gaiman ... it's a novel... but I'm sure some people know his name, right? well, people into comics, at least... some years ago I was reading one of his... as you can guess I was reaading The Sandman... I couldn't finish downloading it XD (sorry, I'm poor and I can't find them here =P)
but I need to finish another one... as I said before, I was reading Memnoch, by Anne Rice... but I started with HardBoiled Wonderland and the End of the World by haruki Murakami... so... I'm stuck with both right now XD
also... I get distracted by my KAT-TUN dvd... this concert it's not as the last one... I think there's something miss... and I'm not talking about Akanishi xD I didn't miss him that much... I just missed his 'sweetie' and 'hell, yeah' during two songs XD without counting that... I didn't notice he wasn't there...
but don't misundertand me... I said it wasn't like before but I love it... ah, yeah, I bought the limited edition... I waited for 18 days! >_< style="font-style: italic;">Lost My Way' song...)
ok... I'm sleepy -___- this is all for now ....

ok, es en serio, tengo sueño... intentaré resumir...
ACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOT se murió!!
es que era tan genial T-T
T-T ya sé que paso hace un par de capítulos, tanto en el anime como en el manga... pero bueno... también me pregunto que diantres paso en el entrenamiento de Zoro... su ojo!! XD en fin, son bien salvajes los dos, así que no me sorprende mucho... siento que los personajes sí cambiaron en el salto de los dos años que se mencionan, no lo creen también?

Cambiando el anime del que estoy hablando, también estoy viendo Bakuman... esos dos son los que estoy viendo regularmente, fuera de eso, tengo varios pendientes de terminar de ver... como Aoi Bungaku series, Beck, Kobato y un montón de OVAs que descargué... también seguir viendo Tegami Bachi y ver de una vez Togainu no Chi -____- son muchas!
Ah... lo hice de nuevo...no pude evitar comprar otro libro... fue por el nombre del autor... es Neil Gaiman!! qué querían que hiciera... ese tipo es casi una leyenda en el ámbito del comic... ¬¬ digo, a estas alturas yo casi no tengo nada que ver con el comic americano, pero aún así, al ver su nombre no pude resistirme... como sea, tendré que esperar para leerlo, porque de Memnoch me falta terminarlo XD pero es que estoy trabada por ponerme a leer más de un libro a la vez... estaba leyendo también El fin del Mundo y un Despiadado Paín de las Maravillas de Haruki Murakami...
Además de que me distraje con el dvd de KAT-TUN, que se tardó más de lo que esperaba en llegar (si, 18 días es mucho)... siento que le falta algo, pero no quiero que malentiendan lo que digo, realmente me gustó, sobre todo el solo de Koki y el de Kame.... casi no noté la ausencia de Jin, salvo en las dos partes que me quedé esperando que alguien dijera 'Sweetie' y 'hell, yeah' XD
fuera de eso... realmente no lo noté, se las han arreglado lo suficientemente bien... ya, en serio, el solo de Koki, es tan... erótico ¬¬ esa letra dice demasiado XD es porno! XD ... el de Kame, es genial, aunque noté después de verlo varias veces que realmente no canta mucho de 'Lost my way' ... siento que fue más de la otra canción ¬¬ pero bueno, valió la pena xD haha...
ya me voy a dormir =P Nos vemos!!! XD
nande?!!! -___- ok... it's a little late for this... talking about it now when it's some chapter ago in the manga... and we have passed that part in the anyme, too ¬¬ ... but...
ACE!!!!! T^T
come on! he was cool, don't you think?
well... if someone is reading this and doesn't know what the hell I'm talking about... well, it's about One Piece... It's been a while form the las time I was watching this, but recently I started again...

ah, yeah! ... and what the hell did Mihawk to Zoro... his eye, I mean XD ... well, I'm not really surprised... they're wild people XD and both of them doesn't know limits =P
mm... what else? ... just that... the jump of 2 years was some kind of weird for me XD but it's fine....
they have change.... don't you think so? ... Zoro looks more cool than before... also Nami looks more... er.... how do you say that? well, whatever... I'm waiting to see what's going next...
It's weird... One Piece doesn't have what you can call a good drawing, but for some reason you can't avoid it when you start watching it... well, that's my case... the guy who created it... I admire him... creating so many characters and really different from the others... but well, almost all of them look weird... but the fact is he's really amazing...
Changing the anime.... I'm watching Bakuman (I mentioned before, I know...) ... I want to read the manga, but for some reason I haven't...
it's interesting... to know how the mangaka's world works... ^^'
the titles that I forgot ... Tegami Bachi and Togainu no Chi... also, there was another one... my... ¬¬ I can't remember... ah, yeah XD I was watching Aoi Bungaku series... but I didn't finish with that.... also, the same with Kobato, Beck (two chapters left XD but I started with another one and I forgot to see that)and a lot of OVAs ... ¬¬ really... a lot I want to watch....
shalalala... talking about another thing, I couldn't help it and I bought another book... it's one by Neil Gaiman ... it's a novel... but I'm sure some people know his name, right? well, people into comics, at least... some years ago I was reading one of his... as you can guess I was reaading The Sandman... I couldn't finish downloading it XD (sorry, I'm poor and I can't find them here =P)
but I need to finish another one... as I said before, I was reading Memnoch, by Anne Rice... but I started with HardBoiled Wonderland and the End of the World by haruki Murakami... so... I'm stuck with both right now XD
also... I get distracted by my KAT-TUN dvd... this concert it's not as the last one... I think there's something miss... and I'm not talking about Akanishi xD I didn't miss him that much... I just missed his 'sweetie' and 'hell, yeah' during two songs XD without counting that... I didn't notice he wasn't there...
but don't misundertand me... I said it wasn't like before but I love it... ah, yeah, I bought the limited edition... I waited for 18 days! >_< style="font-style: italic;">Lost My Way' song...)
ok... I'm sleepy -___- this is all for now ....

ok, es en serio, tengo sueño... intentaré resumir...
ACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOT se murió!!
es que era tan genial T-T
T-T ya sé que paso hace un par de capítulos, tanto en el anime como en el manga... pero bueno... también me pregunto que diantres paso en el entrenamiento de Zoro... su ojo!! XD en fin, son bien salvajes los dos, así que no me sorprende mucho... siento que los personajes sí cambiaron en el salto de los dos años que se mencionan, no lo creen también?

Cambiando el anime del que estoy hablando, también estoy viendo Bakuman... esos dos son los que estoy viendo regularmente, fuera de eso, tengo varios pendientes de terminar de ver... como Aoi Bungaku series, Beck, Kobato y un montón de OVAs que descargué... también seguir viendo Tegami Bachi y ver de una vez Togainu no Chi -____- son muchas!
Ah... lo hice de nuevo...no pude evitar comprar otro libro... fue por el nombre del autor... es Neil Gaiman!! qué querían que hiciera... ese tipo es casi una leyenda en el ámbito del comic... ¬¬ digo, a estas alturas yo casi no tengo nada que ver con el comic americano, pero aún así, al ver su nombre no pude resistirme... como sea, tendré que esperar para leerlo, porque de Memnoch me falta terminarlo XD pero es que estoy trabada por ponerme a leer más de un libro a la vez... estaba leyendo también El fin del Mundo y un Despiadado Paín de las Maravillas de Haruki Murakami...
Además de que me distraje con el dvd de KAT-TUN, que se tardó más de lo que esperaba en llegar (si, 18 días es mucho)... siento que le falta algo, pero no quiero que malentiendan lo que digo, realmente me gustó, sobre todo el solo de Koki y el de Kame.... casi no noté la ausencia de Jin, salvo en las dos partes que me quedé esperando que alguien dijera 'Sweetie' y 'hell, yeah' XD
fuera de eso... realmente no lo noté, se las han arreglado lo suficientemente bien... ya, en serio, el solo de Koki, es tan... erótico ¬¬ esa letra dice demasiado XD es porno! XD ... el de Kame, es genial, aunque noté después de verlo varias veces que realmente no canta mucho de 'Lost my way' ... siento que fue más de la otra canción ¬¬ pero bueno, valió la pena xD haha...
ya me voy a dormir =P Nos vemos!!! XD
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