I don't usually say much about movies, 'cause it's only a 'I like it' or 'I don't like it' ... you know, it's entertainment, and if I say that I like a movie, it's not because I think it's the movie of the century, but just because I had a great time with it. So, after that... What I watched recently?
Normalmente no digo mucho acerca de las películas, porque es más un 'me gusta' o 'No me gusta'... ya saben, es entretenimiento, y si digo que me gusta una película no es porque crea que es la película del siglo, pero simplemente porque la pasé bien con ella. Así que después de eso... ¿Qué he visto recientemente?
Saint Seiya, The Legend of Sanctuary
What I have to say? Well, I heard a lot of things, but actually this was my childhood too... and about the movie I have to say that I like it. I don't understand all the complaints, from the very start we knew this wasn't the same thing as the series, so I dodn't expect to see the same.

Mm... what I will say against it? ... Piscis!! damn, he just appeared to be killed! XD come on, he didn't have the time to be bad in here ... but well, I'm from that zodiac sign.... and... I really wanted more scenes with Ikki...

¿Qué diré en contra? ... ¡Piscis! Solo apareció para que lo mataran XD vamos, ni siquiera tuvo tiempo de ser malo aquí... pero bueno, es porque soy Piscis... y... realmente me hubiese gustado ver más a Ikki...
La historia jamás contada
Bien, vale... Me gustó esta... Todos saben que me gustan las cosas de vampiros... lo único que odio es la saga de Cepúsculo... pero bueno... Buenos puntos acerca de esta peli: La cosa con los murciélagos! XD lo siento, eso estuvo genial incluso en el trailer... También... Creo que hicieron un buen trabajo con esta nueva adaptción de la historia... Tenía que ser algo diferente, y no estaba tan distante para mi como para decir que era mala... Era como curioso observar ciertas cosas que uno reconoce por ahí... (no se parece mucho que digamos, pero está bien, en serio) ... No mucho que decir. Todavía espero que mi amiga la pueda ver... si se puede, la veré de nuevo...
Ok, fine.. I liked this one... Everyone knows I like vampire's stuff... The only thing I hate is the Twilight saga... but... well... good points about this one: The thing with the bats! XD sorry, That was really nice to see even in the trailer... Also... I think they did a good job doing a new adaptation of this story... I has to be different, and it wasn't too different to me to say it was bad... It was nice to recognize some things while watching (it's not really that similar to the classic Dracula, but it's nice, really) .... mm... not much to say, I still hope my friend to see it... And if we can, then I'll watch it again ...
Ah.. before that... I went to the movies and I went to:
Ah, antes de eso... fui al cine a ver:
Líbranos del Mal / Deliver Us From Devil

Amm... well... it wasn't good for me... not something I can say it's horrible in the terms of a movie... but it doesn't have anything new... It's like just another movie about possessions... I don't know how to explain it.. It's not something boring, but I think is a plot too much used... and I'm not sure if after all this time I don't have too many reactions to horror movies, but never felt scared a little...
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